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Examining the ROI of Land Solar Ground Arrays

You’ve likely heard of Brownfields and landfills being turned into solar farms as they have $0.00 value to ever be utilized for any other purpose.

Likewise, with the subdivision market for land remaining weak and real estate development still far below pre-economic downturn levels, there is now an increased number of residential and commercial land owners now looking to solar as another profitable alternative use for their land.

Ground arrays can range from 5kW to 30MW to 50MW and more, but for perspective, it takes approximately 5 acres to accommodate 1MW of solar. And the advantages of ground arrays are numerous, with just a few of which being:

  • As opposed to other developments, they do not require water, sewer, road development, produce no noise or emissions.
  • Panels can be faced in the ideal southern direction, no worrying about roof orientations.
  • Calculable return: The sun shines – the system generates a predictable amount of power
  • Should you decide to lease your land to a developer, today’s land lease prices average $2,000 per acre annually. (Source: LandVest)

There are still many factors to consider though requiring a company experienced in all faucets of solar farm development.

Contact Beaumont Solar (508-990-1757) and we will evaluate your site for elements such as proximity to 3-phase power lines, potential off takers of the power, evaluating PPA and leasing options and calculated ROI.

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